EP 801 | Coming Out Is A Scam

Jordan, Damon & Tony are curious – where do we draw the line between living out loud and our right to privacy?

We start our season of reflection focused on the life of Little Richard. We explore the complex relationship that many of us have with living our Queer truth in public. We explore how social media has added to that complexity and the line we draw between sharing and privacy on Surface Level. Like icon Little Richard: friends, family, religion, and public opinion may limit our ability to live out loud. In reflection, we hope to rid ourselves of that pressure and live most honestly in the future.

We know a lot but we don’t know it all, so join the conversation on social and let us know your thoughts.

Surface Level Podcast

Curious conversations about the Black & Queer experience.


EP 802 | The Risk It Takes To Bloom


EP 712 | Make Me Water Pt. 2