EP 806 | Beautiful Gowns Pt. 2

Jordan, Damon & Tony are curious – is fear of femininity the thief of joy?

This week we revisit our relationship with the expression of femininity in what we wear. Are we uncomfortable with expressing ourselves outside of the confines of the gender binary? Is that fear greater for men within our community than for women? We challenge what we’ve been taught but also interrogate who has the right to own this aesthetic in the future, if anyone at all. The beauty in finding new ways to outwardly express who we are is a joy we revel in. So in the future let’s be more masc, fem and everything in between.

We know a lot but we don’t know it all, so join the conversation on social and let us know your thoughts.

Surface Level Podcast

Curious conversations about the Black & Queer experience.


EP 807 | Queens Of Comedy


EP 805 | Fake Smart, Real Dumb